Users and user permissions in CAI

There are five user role types available. Each of the role types has varying permissions.

There are five user role types available. Each of the role types has varying permissions. 

Tables for Users 2For each user, the data access on various pages should be based on the group permissions, e.g., a third-level group admin cannot view data of 1st or 2nd-level groups in reports or any other page.

User Roles:

Admin: Admin users can view and manage all settings (Groups, Users, Campaigns, Tracking Number, Call Actions, Integrations, etc.) for their group level and below. Admins will need access to the Groups if they wish to see data in their reports. 

Standard: Standard users can manage Campaigns, Tracking Numbers, and Conversation Actions when added as the Campaign “Owner.” They will only be able to view data for groups they have access to. They will also be able to manage their user profile. Standard users cannot manage Groups, Users, or other settings.  

Read-only: Read-only users can view data for groups they have access to. They will also be able to manage their user profile. 

Identified-only: Identified-only users can view and review their assigned conversations. Any new user who has been assigned conversations from any group will be called an identified user. Users can also be assigned to conversations from a group they are not a part of. E.g., some conversations in sub-group A are assigned to a user from sub-group B.

Scorer: Scorer users can view data for groups they have access to. They will also be able to manage their user profile and score the conversations.



Once a User has been created, you will have an option to adjust their default permissions. To modify User Permission, click the “Change Permissions” button on the User details page. The three User Permission options are Group Access, Reporting Access, and Audio/Scoring Access (to be included as an addon)

Access Audio - If conversations are being recorded, by default, all Users, regardless of their role, can listen to, download, and/or email conversation recording audio files. If this option is changed to “NO,” then that User can view conversation data but not listen to, download, or email conversation recording audio files.

Group Access

The Group Access model allows an Admin to select the Groups a user has access to. All Groups at the user level and below will be selected by default. The admin can grant access to any other Group/s in the entire organization.

Note: Campaign Owner concept will remain the same for Standard Users to manage campaigns.

See Illustration 1.1

Users that are added to the top left most, level Group (shown as “Company” in the illustration) will have default access to all Groups, as indicated by the blue colored boxes. Any Admin can remove access to any of these Sub-Groups.

See Illustration 1.2. 

Users who are added to a middle-level Sub-Group (shown as “Region” in the illustration) will have default access to their Group and below, as indicated by the blue-colored boxes. They can optionally be granted access to sister Groups and those sister Groups Sub-Groups, as shown by the white colored boxes. The red box shows that Middle-level Sub-Groups cannot be added to the top-level Group.

See Illustration 1.3.

This illustration shows how access could be granted if a user should have access to multiple Groups on the lowest level. To manage this, a user should be added to the middle-level. The defaults were shown in Illustration 1.2. To accomplish the shown design, the default access should be edited so that they can access any desired sister Groups, and the relevant bottom level Groups.

See Illustration 1.4.
Users added on a bottom, rightmost, level Sub-Group (shown as “Location” in the illustration) will default access to their Group only, as shown by the blue colored box. They can optionally be granted access to sister Groups, as shown by the white-colored boxes. They cannot be added to top, middle, or bottom-level Groups.


By default, Users will have access to reports based on their role. You can remove or grant access to any of the default reports here. See the table below for the default reporting access settings. 


To better facilitate granting the proper permissions to Selectors and Scorers, we need to introduce a Score conversations permission under User Permissions.

The following will apply to existing user roles on the newly created Scorecards:

  1. Identified-only users will see a list of all unscored, scored, and reviewed conversations that they have identified on.
  2. Read-only users will see all conversations unscored, scored, and reviewed for assigned groups.
  3. Standard (without Score conversations permissions) users will see all conversations unscored, scored, and reviewed for their assigned groups.
  4. Standard (with Score conversations permissions) users will see a list of unscored, scored, and reviewed conversations for their assigned groups. They will also be able to Identify agents, attach scorecards, score conversations, edit scores, remove scorecards, etc.
  5. Admin (without Score conversations permissions) users will see a list of unscored, scored, and reviewed conversations for their assigned groups. They will not be able to access the Manage Scorecards page.
  6. Admin (with Score conversations permissions) users will have all rights for their assigned groups. They can create, edit, and delete scorecards on the Manage Scorecards page. They will see a list of unscored, scored, and reviewed conversations for their assigned groups. They will also be able to Identify agents, attach scorecards, score conversations, edit scores, delete scorecards, etc.
  7. Scorer users will see all conversations unscored, scored, and reviewed for assigned groups and will have access to scoring-related reports.
  8. Admin, Standard, Read-only, and identified-only users can be assigned as agents in conversations.