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Ultimate AI Actions

Ultimate AI Actions will help you receive instant email/Text notifications based on specific triggers.

Ultimate AI Actions are activated based on specific triggers. For instance, if the duration is greater than 0 (trigger), an email alert will be sent to test@convirza.com (action). Various options for triggers and actions are available in CAI, allowing for different combinations to be implemented.

To reach this page, Click on Ultimate AI Actions.

You can add the Ultimate AI Actions for the selected group(s) in the breadcrumb on this page. You can also download the grid.


This page displays the grid containing information about Ultimate AI Actions. You can create new Ultimate AI Actions, manage their visibility, and set default settings.

To create the new Ultimate AI Actions, click the ‘Create’ to open the window. Add the trigger and action, then click Next.

The Ultimate AI action will apply to the groups selected under "Applied To." Ultimate AI Actions will be displayed for the sub-groups if the "Visible for Subgroups" toggle is enabled. You also have the option to delete the Ultimate AI Action from this interface.


To edit an Ultimate AI action, click on the row corresponding to the specific action you want to modify and update the relevant information.

Agents can set up Ultimate AI action alerts for scored calls.
Ultimate AI Actions for scored calls can be received in two scenarios:

  • When a call has been scored for the agent.
  • When a scored call has been reviewed.

Alerts can be delivered via email or SMS. If Ultimate AI Actions are enabled for scored or reviewed conversations, the designated recipients will receive emails in the specified format below.

If Ultimate AI Actions are turned on for scored or reviewed conversations, designated recipients will receive emails in the specified format below for the selected agents from the list.

The notification provides the option to go to the conversation directly. The user will need to log in to CAI to access the page. The Audio file and scorecard PDF of the conversation will be attached to the email.
If ‘Send conversation details email to the agent’ or ‘Send conversation details SMS to the agent’ is selected as an action, conversation details will be sent to the agents selected in the drop-down via email and/or Text.

You can add an AI action to the "Send text to" option based on the trigger. You will have four choices for this.

  1. Phone number: The user can enter any US phone number.
  2. Caller: SMS is sent to the caller Number. The user must enter an SMS and an opt-out message. When the customer Opts Out By replying ‘STOP’, they will receive an automated message, as shown in the screenshot.
  3. Agent: An SMS is sent to a user chosen from a dropdown menu. Only users within the selected group can be selected.
  4. Assigned agent: SMS is sent to the assigned agent for the conversation.

Similar conversation action options are available under the Tracking Number settings, which apply to specific Tracking Numbers rather than the entire group. Click here for more information.

Please note that the SMS-related conditions will only be available for SMS-enabled tracking numbers.